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Many of the people in the following table are cross-referenced in terms of their Research Areas, Research Organisms, and Departmental Affiliations on the Collaborative Graduate Program in Genome Biology and Bioinformatics website.

Mainly computational

Philip AwadallaOntario Institute for Cancer Researchgenomics for precision health
Artem Babaian Molecular GeneticsRNA-Based Lifeforms
Gary BaderDonnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomedical Research, Molecular Genetics, Computer ScienceSingle cell genomics, multiscale human, biomolecular interaction networks and pathways, molecular profiles, cancer
Anthony BonnerComputer ScienceComputational biology algorithms, machine learning
Michael BrudnoComputer Science, Donnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomedical ResearchComputational biology algorithms
Kieran CampbellLunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research InstituteMachine learning, cancer genomics, single-cell
Belinda ChangEcology & Evolutionary Biology, Cell & Systems BiologyEvolutionary genomics
Mélanie CourtotOntario Institute for Cancer Research, Medical BiophysicsTranslational and genome informatics
Asher CutterEcology & Evolutionary BiologyEvolutionary genetics
Hue-Sun ChanBiochemistry, Molecular GeneticsComputational protein folding
Brendan FreyElectrical and Computer Engineering, Donnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomedical ResearchBayesian networks, machine learning algorithms
Federico GaitiPrincess Margaret Cancer Centre, Medical BiophysicsSingle-cell multi-omics, epigenomics, evolution
Jesse GillisDepartment of Physiology, Donnelly Centre for Cellular & Biomolecular ResearchCoexpression networks for understanding cellular and organismal variability
Aleksandrina GoevaDonnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomedical Research, Molecular GeneticsMachine Learning, Neuroscience, Single-Cell Transcriptomics, Spatial Transcriptomics, Statistics
Anna GoldenbergHospital for Sick Children, Computer ScienceMachine learning
Sidhartha GoyalPhysicsBiophysics, evolutionary dynamics
Benjamin Haibe-KainsPrincess Margaret Cancer Centre, Medical BiophysicsDeveloping new predictive models using large 'omic data sets to improve disease management
Michael HoffmanPrincess Margaret Cancer Centre, Medical Biophysics, Computer ScienceMachine learning, epigenomics, functional genomics
Igor JurisicaKrembil Research Institute, UHNCancer informatics
Philip M. KimDonnelly Center for Cellular and Biomolecular Research, Department of Molecular Genetics, and Department of Computer ScienceInteraction networks, genetic variation, copy number variants, signaling pathways, genome evolution
Sushant KumarPrincess Margaret Cancer Centre, Medical BiophysicsComputational cancer genomics
Jordan Lerner-EllisLunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research InstituteHereditary Cancer Diagnostics, genome/exome sequencing, Panel testing, Rare disease diagnostics
Radhakrishnan MahadevanChemical Engineering, IBBMESystems analysis and engineering of biological processes, bacterial metabolic flux analysis
David McMillenUofT, MississaugaQuantitive biology, cell system simulation
Alan MosesCell and Systems Biology, Computer ScienceSequence analysis, evolution
Shraddha PaiOntario Institute for Cancer Research, Medical BiophysicsSolving paediatric and adult brain cancer through epigenetics: epigenomics, neurodevelopment, biomarker discovery, machine learning, pharmacogenomics, functional genomics
John ParkinsonHospital for Sick Children, Molecular GeneticsComparative genomics, cell system simulation
Regis PomesHospital for Sick ChildrenMolecular dynamics simulations of proteins
Nicholas ProvartCell and Systems BiologyArabidopsis thaliana gene expression analysis, data visualization tool development, hypothesis generation with large 'omic data sets
Jüri ReimandOntario Institute for Cancer Research, Medical BiophysicsCancer, Network Biology
Hannes RöstDonnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomedical Research, Molecular GeneticsMass spectrometry, systems biology, personalized medicine
Fritz RothLunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute, Molecular Genetics, Computer Science, Donnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomedical Research 
Luca ScardoviElectrical and Computer EngineeringSystems and control theory
Gregory SchwartzPrincess Margaret Cancer Centre, Medical BiophysicsComputational cancer biology
Matthieu ShapiraStructural Genomics ConsortiumResearch informatics, epigenetics, medicinal chemistry
Jared SimpsonOntario Institute for Cancer Research, Computer ScienceComputational genomics
Lincoln SteinOntario Institute for Cancer ResearchPathway analysis and databases, model organism databases
Boris SteipeBiochemistry, Molecular GeneticsStructural bioinformatics, protein engineering
Shreejoy TripathyKrembil Centre for Neuroinformatics, CAMHComputational Genomics, Neuroscience
Michael WainbergLunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research InstituteComputational approaches for identifying the genetic causes of brain diseases
Bo WangVector Institute, Peter Munk Cardiac Centre, Computer Science, Laboratory Medicine and PathobiologyMachine learning algorithms for precision medicine
Shu WangDonnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomedical Research, Molecular GeneticsBig Data, Cancer, Computational Biology, Dynamical Systems, Geometry, Networks
Ryan YuenHospital for Sick Children & Molecular Genetics, U. TorontoLarge-scale genome sequencing analysis and genomic variant interpretation
Zhaolei ZhangDonnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomedical Research, Molecular GeneticsComparative genomics, evolution, regulatory element prediction

Mainly wet lab

Brenda AndrewsDonnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomedical Research, Molecular GeneticsGenetic and physical interactions in yeast
Anne BassettCentre for Addiction and Mental HealthGenomics of schizophrenia
Charlie BooneDonnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomedical Research, Molecular GeneticsGenetic and physical interactions in yeast
Alan DavidsonBiochemistry, Molecular GeneticsProtein folding, protein interactions
John DickMolecular GeneticsGenetic models of development and disease, molecular medicine and human genetics
Peter DirksHospital for Sick ChildrenNormal and neural stem cell biology
Aled EdwardsMedical BiophysicsStructural Genomics
Elizabeth EdwardsDepartment of Chemical Engineering and Applied ChemistryMetagenomics of biodegradation
Julie Forman-KayBiochemistry, Hospital for Sick ChildrenStructural Studies of Disordered Proteins
Anne-Claude GingrasLunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute, Molecular GeneticsProteomics
Jack GreenblattDonnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomedical Research, Molecular GeneticsProteomics, transcription regulation
David GuttmanCell and Systems BiologyComparative and evolutionary genomics, molecular evolution
Walid HouryBiochemistryMolecular chapersones
Tim HughesDonnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomedical Research, Molecular GeneticsFunctional genomics using gene expression microarrays, protein binding arrays, RNA-seq etc.
Jordan Lerner-EllisMount Sinai HospitalMolecular diagnostics, as applied to breast and colon cancer, integrating whole genome sequencing into the general practice of medicine.
John MorrisDonnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomedical Research, Molecular GeneticsBioinformatics, CRISPR Screening, Genome-Wide Association Studies, Human Genetics, Single-Cell Sequencing
Gil PrivéPrincess Margaret Cancer CentreX-ray crystallography
Arneet SaltzmanCell and Systems BiologyChromatin regulation in development
Steve SchererHospital for Sick Children, The Centre for Applied Genomics, Molecular GeneticsHuman genetics
John VincentCentre for Addiction and Mental HealthGenomics and molecular pathways involved with autism and other disorders
Jim WoodgettLunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute, Molecular GeneticsProtein kinases, DNA microarrays
Jeff WranaLunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute, Molecular GeneticsTGF-beta pathway, protein interaction networks
Christopher YipInstitute of Biomaterials and Biomedical EngineeringSingle molecule imaging, protein assembly
Scott YuzwaLaboratory Medicine and Pathobiologysingle-cell and spatial transcriptomics for molecular neurobiology

Biostats and epidemiology

Laurent BriollaisLunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research InstituteGenetic interactions, graphical models
Shelley BullLunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research InstituteStatistical genetics, microarray analysis
Rayjean J. HungLunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research InstituteMolecular and genomic epidemiology for complex diseases
Rafal KustraPublic Health SciencesMining large datasets, gene expression analysis
John McLaughlinLunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research InstituteStatistical genetics and cancer
David TritchlerPrincess Margaret Cancer CentreInterest in gene expression analysis